July 3, 2024

Constellation Activity

🌟 Constellation Activity 🌟🚀

We have been very interested in Space recently. (Links and materials listed 👇🏻). We were on our way home from an evening walk and could clearly see the night sky. My oldest was fascinated by all the stars (and spotting a planet). Hence a lesson on constellations this week.


Constellations Printable (see below)
Mini Marshmallows
Scissors (to cut the toothpicks into smaller sections when necessary)
Black construction paper (to mount the finished product on if you’d like…but we just like to eat the marshmallows afterwards!)

⭐️ Constellation Printable:

⭐️ Constellation Informational Video:

⭐️ Big Dipper Read Aloud:

💡 Try using different materials such as: white chalk with star stickers and black paper…or pipe cleaners with small yellow beads, or even spaghetti and small pasta noodles to outline the shapes.

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