June 29, 2024

Letters From Afar

“Mom, this one says OUR names,” my boys shout with excitement as they are at the mailbox bringing in the mail from the day. They love opening up the “junk mail” that we often get and were beyond thrilled to see that this was NOT JUNK! This was a special letter addressed to both of them and they immediately giggled with anticipation. 

My two boys have recently become fascinated by geography. They love their interactive globe and learning about places around the world. In looking for authentic learning experiences for them, I reached out to a homeschooling friend of mine to get her input and she suggested I look into the company, Letters From Afar…boy am I glad I did! 

These letters are equally as stunning as they are informational. Letters From Afar is a husband and wife owned company based in North Carolina. They provide subscribers with a monthly hand-illustrated letter written from the perspective of Isabelle, a fictional world traveler.  The art work is gorgeous, the content is engaging, and the price is FANTASTIC! For $6 (plus postage), your child’s curiosity about our world can be cultivated and nurtured…all without an electronic device- I call that a HUGE win! 

Learn about our world one letter at a time! Click here to visit their Facebook page. Not only is this a perfect way for your child to explore a love of geography, it also makes for a really neat gift idea for the curious future world traveler in your life. Click here to visit their website.

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